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UCSMS Web University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand

Welcome to UC SMS Web

UC SMS Web allows you to access course lists and student information over the web.

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Enrolment 2013
Enrolment is still open. Apply now or call 0800 827 748.
Timetable 2013
Course timetable information is now available.
If you are a first year student, or are returning from more than one semester's absence, you have been issued with a temporary username and password which were printed on the Confirmation of Application to Enrol letter you received. If you do not have those details, please phone the Contact Centre on 0800 827 748
Once you are fully enrolled you should be using your UC username and password to access this site. This UC username and password also give you access to your UC student email, online courses, library resources and wireless facilities. More information about these services.
If you are a returning student from the previous academic year, your username and password are unchanged. If you are an undergraduate and have forgotten your password you can reset it online here: Reset Password
If you are a postgraduate or distance student and need to reset your password please call the ICT Service Desk on (03) 364 2060
If you have failed any courses, please see the Student Academic Progress Review so you know how this will affect your future study
UC Alumni Hub - graduates and former students login or register here.
© University of Canterbury - Christchurch, New Zealand